Randomness Updates

Arbor Longboards, Competition time, Randomness, Surfskate -

We've had a few emails now... Regarding the clear grip on most of the Arbor cruisers and surfskates. As you may have noticed from our run of surfskate emails and Read more

Bristol Longboard Shop News, Longboard Scene and Events, Lush Longboards, Randomness, Sale -

*They were already creative masterminds, we just provided a roof and some boxes It's cold, its dark... But you can still scratch that skate itch!While I was away last week, Rob opened up the shop one evening to do exactly that. Redoing... Read more

How to, Randomness, Videos -

Greetings one and all! And a happy new year to you.We hope you're rested and feeling fresh. We're open again and the newsletter train is coming up to steam... but first, after some confusion in the shop today we've decided to come clean... The break-in by Read more

Bristol Longboard Shop News, Randomness -

Hopefully all your shopping's done Because we're not going to be shipping anything else out now until the 3rd January!And so, here we are, newsletter #52 of the year. I hope it's been as fun for you as it has for us. Last weeks dinosaur break-in was... Read more

Arbor Longboards, Bristol Longboard Shop News, Landyachtz, Randomness, Santa Cruz, Surfskate -

Absolute bedlam in here today.Last night we had some late night intruders make it into the shop. The whole thing is on CCTV but the identities are... somewhat hard to make out.See for yourself: 

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Bristol Longboard Shop News, Competition time, Randomness -

Now I come to writing this The Movember concept does seem quite funny, really."Men, do nothing. In fact, do less than you normally might each morning, and ask people to give you money for the trouble"I'm pretty sure it was a man who came up with it.Nonetheless,... Read more

Randomness -

Prompted by the recent John Lewis Christmas advert, here are our top tips for learning to skate as an adult.adultnoun: a person who is fully grown or developedverb, informal: behave in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially by accomplishing mundane but necessary tasks.For... Read more

Randomness -

A heartwarming tribute to the fact that Learning to skate can be...uncomfortable.If you haven't seen it yet, check out the new John Lewis Christmas ad here:  What's that? Me? No, no, its... Read more

Bristol, Longboard Girls Crew, Longboard Scene and Events, Randomness -

What a weekend that was... Bristol Girls Longboard crew have really outdone themselves this time... and that's saying something, because they tend to do a really good job. Rob and I (scratch that, Rob did it all. I washed up some mugs and strummed the guitar... Read more